Introduced in 2007, the Neverfull was purposefully designed to function as one Louis Vuitton’s most practical handbags ever crafted by the luxury brand. Large enough to carry all of your essentials for work but also appropriate for short distance travel such as a day trip to the beach.
Once rumoured to be created to compete with the Saint Louis Tote bag from Goyard, the Louis Vuitton Neverfull has far surpassed its competing equivalent in consumer demand since its introduction.
The Neverfull tote is considered a true craftmanship in the world of luxury handbags with an average manufacturing duration of 40-45 hours per piece. It is also constructed to carry up to 200 pounds.
In addition to its incredibly durable and stylish qualities, the Neverfull is also completely reversible which gives the owner two styling options in one bag.
The first Neverfull bag was only made in the classic monogram in the MM size. But due to its rapid success, a wider range of sizes were introduced shortly after its release followed by new versions in the iconic patterns Damier Ebene and Azur.
Since the launch of the new sizes, they have remained a standard in the Neverfull range as;
PM - Petit modele (the smallest size) for every day use.
MM - Moyen modele (the medium and most popular size) ideal for work.
GM - Grande modele (the biggest size) intended for travel.
In 2013 the Neverfull was created in another iconic material from Louis Vuitton called the Epi textured leather, quickly followed by the 2015 update called the Nouveau Modele (also known as the “Neo Neverfull”).
The changes to the interior design came with a modern font, updated stripe on the lining walls and a detachable pouch adding another layer of practicality with room for small essentials.
Since the first update of the Neverfull, the interior options have expanded greatly in a variety of colours ranging from Fushia, Mimosa, Rose Ballerine (exclusive to the Damier print) and the popular Pivoine Pink.
Since the Neverfull started gaining a cult following shortly after its introduction, many limited editions have been released throughout the years labelling this style one of the most iconic handbags ever created.
Stephen Sprouse, Jeff Koons, Yayoi Kusama, Takashi Murakai and Fornasetti are a few among the iconic artists who have reimagined the Neverfull, and their designs remain in high demand due to its limited availability on the pre-owned luxury market.
Contrary to common belief, the Louis Vuitton Neverfull handbag is by far one of the most sought-after bags on the pre-owned market to this day.
With a resale value remaining steady around its original retail price, the Neverfull is often a sold-out style in the Louis Vuitton carry-over collection and has been a thriving style on the resale market for over a decade.
Shop the Louis Vuitton Neverfull now.